Ice, Ice, Baby

I told you there was more to come, and here it is. Ice climbing in the gorge of Hafner Creek, Alberta Canada. Following a short hike you reach what could be described as an ice antitheatre. Streams cascade down the walls of the gorge and freeze to form the ice flows you see below.

Hafner Creek

Click For More For the record, Ice Climbing is Awesome!


Nestled in the Bow Valley is the town of Canmore, each side of the valley is lined with majestic mountains stretching as far as the eye can see. So as you can imagine the view from main street is pretty impressive.

Canmore Main street

There is of course, much much more to come… 🙂

Global warming… Eh!

Calgary was a little warmer today, still not in the much anticipated ‘single digits’* region. When you combine cold weather and the need to heat every building to tropical temperatures the result is a plume of condensate emanating from the top of each building. You can almost feel the ice caps melting.

Calgary and Gobal warming

Click for more of Calgary.

*single digits refers to the region between minus 10 and zero, crazy Eh!