Countdown to Carry On

Being one to never take the easy way out coupled with a certain stubbornness often leads to easy things becoming inexplicably hard. Take my current predicament, it involves a large quantity of gear and a backpack. More correctly, a large amount of gear strewn across my floor and no backpack.


I am, as many of you are aware, off to Canada for a week. Formally for the Universitas 21 Undergraduate Research Conference. Informally described as ‘The greatest university funded student rort ever’. To put the record straight, It is a week long conference and cultural experience in Montreal, Canada. Cultural experience implies that anything is legit.

Back to the gear strewn across the floor, any normal person would most likely leave some of it at home, I do however *need it all, hence the conundrum. There is a solution, it is just in the shop, on the rack, waiting for me.

Author: jamesd

James' place in hyperspace.